The Dan Flavin Art Institute at Dia Bridgehampton
Bridgehampton, New York

Institute Photos
Established by Dia Art Foundation in 1983, Dia Bridgehampton was designed by Dan Flavin to permanently house an installation of his work alongside a program of temporary exhibitions. With Dia’s support, Flavin renovated this turn-of-the-century Shingle-style firehouse, then church, converting its vestibule and second floor into a permanent display of his signature works in fluorescent light. A resident of nearby Wainscott, Flavin envisioned that the first floor would be both a venue for changing exhibitions and a print shop. Today, Dia continues to maintain Flavin’s permanent installation of nine works in fluorescent light, the Dan Flavin Art Institute, and to present yearly exhibitions by artists primarily residing or working on Long Island in the first-floor gallery.
Currently on view in the first-floor gallery until May 30, 2022, an exhibition by Maren Hassinger features a series of hanging fabric panels, each of which is printed with an image of one of the artist’s bush sculptures and sized to the exact measurements of the sole exposed window in the gallery. Installed on Dia Bridgehampton’s back lawn and visible through the gallery window is a new bush sculpture, Hassinger’s first such work in several years. Anchored into the ground with concrete, the work is made of lengths of galvanized steel rope and arranged like a bundle of twigs. Though the form extends up and out of the earth, evoking and imitating organic growth, the unbound metal ropes point to both a loss of the natural and a concurrent undoing of the industrial.
12–3 pm and 3:30–6 pm
Street parking
Street parking