Leiber Museum
East Hampton, New York

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Leiber Collection Founders, famed artful handbag designer Judith Leiber and celebrated modernist artist Gerson Leiber, fell in love with the Hamptons in the early 1950s when they began coming ‘Out East’ as a respite from their busy life in New York City. Drawn by the extraordinary light quality, the quiet atmosphere and the other artistic, intellectual and lively residents, they found Springs to be a fertile environment for their creative endeavors, be it Fashion Design, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture or even Gardening.
The Leiber Collection offers unique insight into the astonishing story of Judith Leiber, a survivor of Hitler’s Europe who came to America and took the fashion accessory industry by storm, breaking taboos right and left, changing fashion history forever. We also chronicle the extraordinary seven decades long career of Gerson Leiber, exhibiting the stunning paintings, etchings, lithographs, and drawings of this highly accomplished and creative artist. Judith’s handbags have been declared objets d'art by Geoffrey Beene; and in the New York Times, Hilton Kramer, the paper’s former premier art critic, praised Gerson for his mastery and skill of composition and color. Harold Koda, curator in charge of the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, wrote: “…there is a beautiful resonance of aesthetic interests between Judith and Gerson, especially in their mutual love of brilliant color and rigorous structure.”
The Leiber Sculpture Garden continues the Leibers’ lifelong commitment to supporting the arts by highlighting sculptors who were friends and neighbors of the Leibers' such as Bill King, Constantino Nivola, Hans Van de Bovenkamp, George Nama, Ronnie Chalif and others, and includes contemporary artists creating some of the most exciting work of today such as Philippe Cheng, Margaret Garrett, Toni Ross and others.
Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays from 1 – 4pm
Museum and Gardens open for private or group tours at other times by appointment.
The Collection is free to the public during regular public hours. Donations are welcomed.